February 15, 2010

Happy Monday OR is IT!

Would you believe we are supposed to be getting more *^_%@&  snow!!  I am so sick of the snow already!!  What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?  Is it sunny and balmy? Rainy and overcast?  Or are you a prisoner to the snow just like me?

Anywhooooo today is the beginning to the road to a  new me!  What the heck is this lady talking about you ask?  Well let me tell you...My blogging buddy over at Ahh....Me So Hongry ( isn't that the cutest dang blog name you ever heard of?)...Well any way today starts the "CUTE as a BUNNY Weight Loss Challenge" 

  • The challenge starts Monday, February 15, 2010 and ends Monday, April 5, 2010 (7 weeks).

  • According to Weight Watchers (WW) healthy weight loss constitutes losing 1-2 pounds a week, so all participant should strive to lose 1 pound weekly...7 lbs. in 7weeks (7/7). If you lose your 7 before the end of the challenge...KEEP GOING!

  • Every week, each participant must set a mini-goal. For example, my mini-goal this  week...EAT BREAKFAST EVERYDAY! If you meet your mini-goal, report your accomplishment on your blog.

  • If you choose to participate, please write a brief blurb about the challenge and post on your blog. and link the post back to  Ahhhh....Me So Hongry

Thanks Trina for hosting this challenge I need all the motivation I can get!!!

Good Luck everyone and stay MOTIVATED!!

Now for my scrapping  and shopping friends here are  some coupons to help you spend that money!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job on joining Trina's challenge! :) I just scrolled down and saw some coupons for a few of my favorite craft stores- THANKS! I never go without a coupon, I feel ripped off if I do! lol :) Best of luck to you along your journey! :)